Compare VoIPVoIP to Comcast or Time Warner VoIP

  VoIPVoIP Comcast Time Warner Cable
Name of the Plan Pay-as-yo-Go Digital Voice * Digital Phone *
Activation Fee $0 $0 $0
Activation taxes and other fees $0 $0 $0
Equipment Fee ($0 with BYOD option) $49.95 (unlocked) $3 /month (locked) $0 (locked)
Features Voicemail, Caller ID, etc included YES YES YES
Features Fee $0 $0 $0
Monthly Fee $0 $19.99 (6 mo)- $54.95 $49.99
Taxes and Other Fees $0 YES YES
Virtual US Phone Number to receive calls $6.99 $0 $0
Incoming Calls Fee $0 $0 $0
Intl Virtual Phone Numbers available Over 30 countries NO NO
US & Canada Rates 1.9¢/min 0 ¢/min 0 ¢/min
International Rates for over 25 countries 1.9¢/min 9 ¢/min - 27 ¢/min 10 ¢/min - 24¢/min
International Rates for other countries Very Low High High
Bundled Calling Card in 20+ countries
(cheap calls even without VoIP service)
Calling Card Fee $0 N/A N/A
Calling Card Access Rate 1¢/min N/A N/A
Total Yearly Cost $133.83 + cost of Intl and US calls you make ($83.88 with BYOD) $485.64 + cost of Intl calls you make + taxes $599.88 + cost of Intl calls you make+ taxes

*The rates of the plans shown above were gathered from the publicly available websites of Comcast and Time Warner Cable in April 2007.