You can use Phone Card or VoIP Direct service in 20+ countries.

Below please find the list of countries where you can use VoIP Direct or Phone Card Service and Phone Card access numbers.

Country / City Access Number
USA flag U.S.A. ( Toll Free ) (866) 5668875
USA flag U.S.A. ( Toll Free ) (877) 6448647
USA flag U.S.A. ( New York) (347) 4489290
USA flag U.S.A. ( San Francisco ) (415) 4303580
USA flag U.S.A. ( Las Vegas) (702) 5058450
USA flag U.S.A. ( Philadelphia ) (215) 3763030
USA flag U.S.A. ( Dallas ) (469) 6199945
USA flag U.S.A. ( Phoenix ) (602) 3142220
USA flag U.S.A. ( Los Angeles) (323) 3008880
USA flag U.S.A. ( San Diego) (619) 5731620
USA flag U.S.A. ( Miami ) (786) 7181710
USA flag Austria (National) (437) 20880893
USA flag Australia (Sydney) (28) 0148280
USA flag Belgium (Brussels) (2) 8081330
USA flag Canada(Ottowa) (613) 8000480
USA flag Czech Republic (Prague) (2) 46019717
USA flag Denmark (National) (45) 69918800
USA flag France (Paris) (1) 70614714
USA flag Greece (Athens) (211) 1768490
USA flag Hungary (Budapest) (1) 9980540
USA flag Ireland (Dublin) (1) 5262974
USA flag Israel (Tel Aviv) (3) 7219541
USA flag Italy (Rome) (06) 62207430
USA flag Mexico(Mexico City) (55) 11638790
USA flag Netherlands (Amsterdam) (20) 8080890
USA flag Spain (Madrid) (91) 1876499
USA flag Sweden (Stockholm) (8) 52503488
USA flag Switzerland (Zurich) (43) 5006268
USA flag United Kingdom(London) (203) 3556900


If your country is not listed above you can still use our Call Back Service in other countries. Click here to learn more about call back service..

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