You are liable for any and all liability that may arise out of the content transmitted by or to you or Users using the Services. You shall assure that your or User's use of the Services and content will at all times comply with all applicable laws, regulations and written and electronic instructions for use. VoIPVoIP reserves the right to terminate or suspend affected Services, and/or remove your or Users' content from the Services, if VoIPVoIP determines that such use or content does not conform with the requirements set forth in this Agreement or interferes with VoIPVoIP's ability to provide Services to you or others or receives notice from anyone that Your or Users' use or Content may violate any laws or regulations. VoIPVoIP's actions or inaction under this Section shall not constitute review or approval of your or Users' use or Content. You will indemnify and hold harmless VoIPVoIP against any and all liability arising from the content transmitted by or to you or to Users using the Services. A "User" means any person, whether authorized or unauthorized, using the Service and/or Device provided to you.