Billing Support
In this section you can find answers to most of the questions other members have had about VoIPVoIP billing, payments and charges. Below you can find answers to most common questions.
How am I charged for the service?
Where can I find information on International calling rates?
How do I change my credit card information?
What is automatic recharge option? How do I turn it on/off?
How do I see my billing activity? How do I get my invoices?
Why am I charged for a call that did not go through? Can I get a refund?
What is phone card access fee that I see in my call history?
How can I make payments or buy more credit with PayPal? How is my payment information and privacy guaranteed to be 100% safe & secure?
I tried to buy more credit but it was declined. Why money is taken from my bank account?
How do I reinstate my account if it is suspended?
If you cannot find an answer to your question in above FAQs and topics on the left, email support with an average response time of one hour and with customer support agents available 7 days/24 hours a day is the preferred method of accurate assistance.
IMPORTANT NOTE: As of April 2015, we have been receiving emails regarding to another company's fraudulent electronic check charges whose name is mistakenly confused by our company. does not use electronic checks. All credit card charges are shown as "Kosmaz Technologies LLC" on bank statements and we are not affiliated with any other company.
When contacting Customer Support, please note the results of troubleshooting steps you have attempted and please provide as much information as you can regarding to below points.
• VoIPVoIP Account Number
• Detailed description of the issue you are having.
• If you experience issues placing or receiving calls, please specify the times and numbers of the attempted calls.
For VoIP services plase also provide;
• Type of Internet connection (DSL/Cable/Dial up/Satellite) and name of your Internet Service Provider.
• Make and model of your router (if using one).
• Make and model of your telephone.
• Brief description of your home network (computers, routers, hubs, switches, firewall software).